EMERGE! Fashion Runway Show set to make its grand return for New York Fashion Week in the city on September 12, 2023

Just days before the summer officially winds down, one last major and welcomed whirlwind of activity will touch down in the city of New York as the year’s top emerging runway collective lands here, set to make a stunning impact during “New York Fashion Week.” Unequaled urban style, creativity and vivid expression from the best-of-the-best designers are all returning to the stage in a big way, as the Emerge! Runway Fashion Show returns. “Our focus, and one of our key pillars since the inception of Emerge! has been to provide innovative platforms that focus on supporting, and placing a long overdue national and international spotlight on talented designers,” states respected PR industry maven, creator and producer Dionne Williams of D. Williams Public Relations and Events Group. “After 12 years of success, I’m humbled to see it continue to grow and evolve.”

Emerge Fashion show is the leading emerging designer runway show established to be a catalyst and provide a national platform for independent and emerging designers during New York Fashion Week.

Emerging designers from across the globe participate in the highly anticipated show each year during February and September fashion week in an effort to connect up-and- coming designers with potential buyers and fashion industry power players. This spectacular event discovers designers and provides them with a lifetime opportunity.

Rich with the mosaic of color, verve and splendor that is its hallmark, Emerge! 2023 takes place once again in America’s undisputed fashion capitol on Tuesday, September 12th with red carpet arrivals and a posh reception beginning at 6:00 p.m. ET, followed by the annual Fashion Innovator Awards ceremony and runway show from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. The event is being hosted at the city’s prestigious Leman Ballroom, 41 Broad St. Attendance is exclusive, by invitation only but there are limited tickets open to the public, available for purchase at: www.emergerunwaynyc.com.